Meeting the parents

Bonnie and Einar's journey together began when Bonnie was just a 10-week-old pup meeting her new best friend, Einar, who was already two years old. Their bond quickly grew, and their unique personalities complemented each other perfectly. From Bonnie's clever tricks and boundless energy to Einar's calm demeanor and loving nature, these two remarkable dogs have created a beautiful litter of Rottsky puppies. Learn more about Bonnie's intelligence and playful spirit and Einar's loyal and gentle character, and discover how their traits are already shining through in their adorable puppies.

The Proud Parents of Our Adorable german Rottsky Puppies

Bonnie, our sweet Shepweiler, came home at just 10 weeks old. She met Einar, our calm and dignified Husky, who was already two years old. At first, Einar wasn’t quite sure what to do with the tiny new arrival. Bonnie was so small and full of boundless energy, while Einar had already settled into a calm routine. But it didn’t take long for Bonnie to charm her way into Einar’s heart, and the two became best friends.

As Bonnie grew, her playful side started to show. She would often engage Einar in playful fights, and the gentle giant would always let her win. Now, as an adult, Bonnie can easily overpower Einar in their playful bouts, much to their mutual delight.

Bonnie’s intelligence was clear from the start. Even as a tiny puppy, she was inventing new tricks to earn treats and impress us. One evening while we were having tea, Bonnie cleverly demonstrated her creativity. Knowing she wasn’t allowed near the table, she devised a trick where she would hop backward while sitting. We were so impressed that we showered her with treats. This trick has become a handy way to guide her when she gets too close.

Bonnie's communication skills are remarkable. She finds innovative ways to express her needs and often seems to understand everything we say. Her ability to listen and respond makes her a delightful companion. Bonnie is also incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle, a trait that seems to be passed down to her puppies, who are already showing signs of their mother’s sweet nature, even though they are only a few days old.

Bonnie learns by watching other dogs. This is how she mastered the art of 'Pointing,' a behavior typically associated with Pointers. Initially, we thought she might have some Pointer ancestry, but her DNA test revealed a mix of German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Lupo Italiano, and a tiny bit of Labrador. This confirmed that Bonnie had taught herself this impressive skill. The DNA test also assured us that she has no genetic health issues, ensuring a healthy start for her and her puppies.

Einar, on the other hand, is the epitome of strength and loyalty. He is content whether he's on his own or spending time with us. Unlike Bonnie, who thrives on variety, Einar enjoys the comfort of routine. When Bonnie first joined our family, Einar would pretend not to need cuddles, as if to show that cuddles were for puppies. However, his love for affection couldn’t be hidden for long. He has a subtle way of seeking out cuddles, gently making his way to us and asking for attention in the sweetest manner.

Einar gets excited when meeting new people, but he quickly calms down after a thorough inspection, much like Bonnie. One of Einar's most endearing traits is his ability to "speak Husky," a series of vocalisations unique to the breed. Bonnie has been learning from him, and her attempts at Husky talk are absolutely adorable.

Together, Bonnie and Einar make an incredible pair, blending intelligence, playfulness, loyalty, and calm. Their contrasting yet complementary personalities are sure to create an extraordinary lineage in their Rottsky puppies. We can already see glimpses of their parents' traits in the little ones and are excited to watch them grow into wonderful companions

Edited: 20/05/2024

  • Einar has never been to the vets for any issue, and is perfectly happy. There are no known genetic issues or health conditions!
    Bonnie has been to the vets twice for her health. Once because she had a phantom pregnancy and it caused some balding due to stress. Her coat returned to normal once she shed her coat and her new one came through. The second time was when Einar had caught his teeth on her bandana when they were play fighting. He accidentally strangled her, which caused her eyes to become red. The vets told me that she would fully recover (Which she did) but her eyes would never be as white as they once were.
    Bonnie has tested negative for 263 genetic health predispositions, and is perfectly healthy and happy!

  • Einar has plenty of energy and enjoys multiple walks each day. However, as long as his routine remains consistent, he is content to relax for the rest of the day. Bonnie, on the other hand, is more active around the house. She usually walks about 10 miles a day and doesn’t sit still for very long. While she isn’t overly excitable or excessively playful, she loves to wander around and keep an eye on what everyone is doing.

    Once the puppies have gone to their new homes, we will resume taking both Bonnie and Einar to 'Bold Bark,' a private and secure dog field.

  • Bonnie enjoys a high-quality, homemade organic diet. Her meals include meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, and oils, all tailored to her specific needs. Preparing her food at home allows me to cater to her requirements confidently, ensuring every ingredient benefits her without relying on filler cereals. My brother, who owns Einar, currently feeds him kibble but plans to transition him to homemade food soon.

bonnie and einar: the proud parents of 11 german rottskies

bonnie and einar: the proud parents of 11 german rottskies